Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pink Wine Bottle Study

A delicious pink wine bottle from Redhook for Yansheuw's friend. She doesn't read this blog, so its still a secret. lol. Anyway, Yansheuw and I are continuing our painting studies as our escape from the digital, and to sharpen our eyes. I found alot of things very relaxing and frustrating about physical painting. Mixing colors is a pain, but its also relaxing. You end up spending more time with your subject, studying the colors as you mix. In photoshop, you can always just sample your reference, but that encourages a certain laziness. The color your eye perceives sometimes is wrong because of the adjacent colors interacting with your perception. I find that mixing colors forces me to study how colors are interacting with each other. This may be obvious to most, but its nice to put this to practice with physical paint. Some purists will note the lack of an under painting. Sorry, I'm just being experimental.

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