Thursday, August 21, 2008


Couldn't we use goldfish footage? Nah that would be no fun. Let's model, texture, rig and animate one. Yay.

e60 final


Nails, Turtle and Fish.

e60 transformers pitch

So what do you think? It transforms like um.... transfomers! We know you love transformers, but um we don't. (The actual spot they liked is above this post.)

MTV rockfest no..CLASSIC Rockfest...ok. Classic Awesomest Rockfest? No, "classic" will be fine.

Catch the Vapors Boards

Vapors? hmmm. No, its not what you think. Its related to snowboarding.

One Punk Under God

Make a bird. A tatoo bird. No, make it a 3d tatoo bird, but keep it looking um..a tatoo. Anything else? Make it fly like a real bird. Alright. Oh yeah, make sure you use the SAME tatoo on the back of his neck. Don't make it too Disney. Fine.

Friday, August 15, 2008



Don't ask. puahahha.

TruTV boards

"Matte Stunt" Get it? No? =(


Thursday, August 14, 2008

TV land awards kaladescope effect

Mission: Take the TV land logo and make a kaladescope effect with it. Ok time to fire up the after effects... No wait. They want a 3d kaladescope effect. Uh-huh. Ok no worries. The solution is deceptively simple, and it doesn't involve using any blend shapes/morph targets.

Whirlpool Dial

Client wanted an animated CG replacement of the dial on a still frame. Then they wanted the camera to pan over the dial. Well I didn't have time to model an entire washing machine, so nothing a few projected textures couldn't handle.

James Bond

Had to create a scene with animated octopus tentacles wrapping around a martini glass. The look was intentionally stylized and rendered to feel like old James Bond poster art.

Rate My Space

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hardcore Packers fan

Character Sheets
The character had to be a stop motion jib-jab cut out style. The brief wanted a hard core Greenbay Packers fan. I think this fits the bill. Original sketch below. I had to remove the cheese head because apparently, its copyrighted.

*Product shot excluded for obvious reasons:


Monkey King's companion on his Journey to the West.
It started as a doodle and quickly evolved into a painting exercise. He's more of a boar isn't he?