Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On the Canvas

Avoiding StarCraft 2 temptations by painting instead...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big bot

Stockyard infantry in heavy infantry suit. I think I want him more stealthy with light armament, but its fun to make Warhammer type bots.

Quadraped Tank

Monkey King's enemy, Bull

an older concept which i plan to paintover


Monday, July 5, 2010

Indentured Dancer


I imagined a woman who was forced into labor as a dancer and controlled and pacified by implants. The implants feed her "euphorea" a chemical developed to keep her in a state of bliss, while slowly brainwashing her with new dance routines programmed by her owners. The dancer's hair is Chinese inspired. Her background and dress textile is Japanese inspired, and her dance suggests a Spanish dancer.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Yansheuw saw this bright crane under the dark shadow of the overpass, and we couldn't resist trying to create an HDR (High Dynamic Range) composite photo. Shot by Yansheuw and HDR editing by us both.